Centerville 医疗协助 欧博app

医疗协助 欧博app in Centerville, OH

If you are a caring person who loves helping others, consider starting a career in healthcare as a 医疗 assistant. 你可以在森特维尔的医疗助理欧博app这里接受培训,了解马厩, 不断发展的医疗保健领域. 医疗援助不仅能让你养家糊口,还能对你所在社区的健康产生积极影响.

Centerville 医疗协助 欧博app

There has never been a better time to pursue a career in medicine. 这个快速发展的领域为熟练的医疗助理提供了新的和令人兴奋的机会. When you train for this entry-level healthcare position, 你将获得宝贵的知识, 培养重要技能, and make a direct impact on people’s lives.

At Fortis, we are committed to 培训 students for stable, meaningful careers. This is true of our Centerville 医疗协助 学校, 我们在哪里提供一个全面的欧博app课程,旨在为你作为医疗助理的入门工作做准备. 

At Fortis’s Centerville 医疗协助 程序, you will train to:

  • 直接照顾病人; communicating effectively at every step.
  • Complete an array of administrative tasks to help 医疗 clinics and offices run more efficiently.
  • Work with doctors and other healthcare professionals, serving as a vital member of the 医疗 team.

Throughout your 培训 and beyond, 您将发展自己作为医疗助理的技能,并了解更多医疗领域的职业发展机会.




Start Your Centerville 医疗协助 程序

富通和森特维尔市有一个重要的共同点:我们都重视社区影响. Through our Centerville 医疗协助 程序, 你可以在你的社区中发挥更积极的作用,开始你的医疗事业.

以温暖而闻名, cheerful residents and abundant volunteer opportunities, 森特维尔为任何寻求通过医疗援助帮助人们的人提供了完美的位置. You can remain local and learn new, in-demand skills when you join our Centerville 医疗协助 程序. 

您将在传统的课堂环境和小组学习环境中从我们经验丰富和敬业的教师那里学习. 您的培训将为您进入森特维尔或附近代顿的医疗辅助领域做好准备 & 蒙哥马利县.

你甚至可以利用森特维尔靠近代顿的优势. 莱特兄弟的故乡, 代顿被认为是航空的发源地,距离富通的森特维尔校区只有短短8英里的车程.


  • 公立和私立医院
  • 私人医生诊所
  • Inpatient and outpatient facilities
  • 护理 and residential care facilities

Nearly every healthcare setting you can think of needs 医疗 assistants. 用你的富通培训, you will gain the necessary skills to find stable, entry-level employment as a 医疗 assistant in a 医疗 office, 医院, 或者护理机构.

了解更多关于Lorie的信息., a 医疗助理 程序 Graduate

Find success at Centerville’s 医疗助理 学校

At Fortis in Centerville, we invest in your success. 当你加入我们当地的医疗援助欧博app时,你将有机会接触到知识渊博的导师和专业的职业顾问. 在一起, 他们将帮助你开始医疗事业,并探索成长和进步的机会.

Our Centerville campus is conveniently located near I-675, I-75, 48号和725号州际公路, making it accessible to students commuting from nearby cities. 

从代顿: Take OH-48 S for approximately eight miles to Loop Rd in Washington Township.

来自辛辛那提: Take I-75 N for approximately 46 miles before merging onto I-675 N towards Columbus; take exit 4A towards OH-48 S/Centerville.

欧博app因州和校园而异. Not all programs are offered at all locations. 联系 local campus for accreditation information.


  • 富通是谁??

    FORTIS是一个由大学和研究机构组成的大专网络,为学生提供终身成长的强大学习和培训体验. With the addition of each new campus, Fortis now offers career-based certificate, diploma and degree-granting programs at more than 40 schools in 15 states.

    富通学院和富通学院校园为学生在医疗保健领域的职业生涯做好准备, 护理, 医疗, 牙科, 业务, 信息技术, 按摩, cosmetology and the skilled trades such as welding and 暖通空调.FORTIS College Online还为成人和军事社区成员提供各种副学士学位课程的在线学习平台.

  • What are the admission requirements?

    为了符合入学资格,在大多数情况下,你必须是高中毕业或同等学历. All applicants are required to complete a personal information sheet. During a personal interview with our admissions staff, 我们将审核您欧博手机版app下载,帮助您找到适合您需求的欧博app.

    Every individual will be given the opportunity to tour the facility, 与财政援助会面, and enroll in the next available classes. 有关入学要求的更多信息,请联系您当地的校园招生顾问.

  • 这个欧博app要花多少钱?

    Tuition varies from program and campus. Speak with an admissions advisor for more details.

  • 是否提供经济援助??

    You've got obligations and responsibilities already, so financing your education is going to be a real concern. 在富通,我们理解这一点. 这就是为什么FORTIS帮助我们的学生了解政府和私人贷款以及其他经济援助方案,这些方案适用于那些有资格帮助你为新职业奠定基础的人.

    • 我们每天都与有工作的成年人和职业转换者一起工作,他们有复杂的财务状况, 并为他们提供信息,帮助他们确定最适合他们的教育资金.
    • 我们在每个校区都有财务援助办公室,这样学生们就可以继续寻找和采取重要的信息,他们需要继续他们的成功之路
    • We are flexible and pragmatic in our approach. 我们的教师, 辅导员, 教授, 如果你很难继续学习或者你需要休息,工作人员会理解并帮助你.
  • Does FORTIS help me find a job after graduation?

    欧博手机版app下载, 我们的职业服务专业人员致力于成功地支持我们的毕业生在入门级职位上获得就业. 通过职业发展, 包括专业, 动机, 恢复发展, 为成功而着装, interview coaching and the maintenance of ethical standards, 我们让我们的毕业生具备必要的技能,为成功的面试做好准备.

    富通在每个校区都设有就业服务中心,帮助毕业生进行就业安置. FORTIS provides lifetime graduate employment assistance. 随着毕业的临近, 在最后一个学期,学生有机会与就业服务主任会面,讨论为他们个人求职提供的就业服务. 作为一名毕业生, you will want employment that reflects your skills, 培训, and allows for professional growth and development. 职业服务 is committed to helping you find the right fit for you.

  • 富通获得认证吗??

    如果你正在寻找经过认证的大学或职业学校,那么你来对地方了! While each campus varies in program offerings, 认证机构, and specific programmatic accreditations, all are institutionally accredited! 我们的每所学院和研究机构都由以下认证机构之一进行机构认证:

    • Accrediting Bureau of Health Education 学校s (ABHES)
    • Accrediting Commission of Career 学校s and Colleges (ACCSC)
    • Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and 学校s (ACICS)


Find out more about the admissions process for this program.
